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Major Project

3.4.2023 - 23.7.2023 Sajiya Mir (0340836) Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Major Project MAJOR PROJECT Week 1: We were introduced to our Major Project objectives and showed previous works done by our seniors to get a sense of what type of final outcome we would have to produce. From there, we went straight into brainstorming our ideas to get them approved by Mr. Azrisal before week 4. My initial idea for my major project was an app for the game Mafia. The idea was that it would be a 3d based game that is similar to pokemon go. The output I wanted to produce was 3D characters, Augmented reality, game instructions, and an app. Gameplay: Each character has an archetype, such as Mafia, detective, and citizen. Each archetype has a weakness that the murderer has to figure out to eliminate the person. The rest of the players have to find the Mafia in a limited amount of time. If the players don't find the Mafia within the limited time, the mafia wins. Week 2: Since the first i

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