Minor Project


1.4.2022 - 8.7.2022  

Sajiya Mir (0340836)
Minor Project 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Minor Project 


NFT Marketing Agency 

Week 1:

This week we had the opportunity to meet the Horizon NFT group from the business group via Zoom meeting. We got a chance to introduce ourselves and hear what the business school expects of the design school. While we probably will have many more questions to ask them about how we can provide the branding for their marketing company in our upcoming meetings, this was a good start to getting to know our "clients" as now we have a better understanding of the direction we need to go.

Week 2:

1.0 Contextual Study 

This week we scheduled a meeting with the EAP group so we could address some of the questions and concerns we had. The EAP group explained to us more about their marketing agency during the meeting. However, we felt they were a bit unclear about their target audience and their agency's services. As a result, for this week, we wanted to do some research on B2B and B2C to see whether there is valid data to support their claims and, if not, collect data on why B2C might be a better alternative for them.

Week 3:

Unfortunately, this week, we couldn't get much done as we were still waiting on clarification from the EAP group; we couldn't finish our persona or start on our empathy part. Therefore, Mr. Mike suggested we have an urgent meeting with them. During the meeting, Mr. Mike explained our concerns with their proposal and allowed them to answer our questions. He also extensively explains to them our part in the project and what EAP needs to provide to us to get started.

Week 4:

1.1 Personas 1-4 

We were finally able to get a clear target audience from the EAP group this week. Though they initially opted for Graffiti artists in Southeast Asia, we were able to discuss with them and explain how this target audience may be too niche and make it difficult for us to develop our personas, so they should instead focus on the type of NFT. Finally, we settled on PPT (profile picture) artists in Southeast Asia. This confirmation eventually allowed us to proceed to the next stage of the design thinking process.

Week 5:
1.2 Persona Percentage 

1.3 Persona Distribution 

With the Hari Raya holidays coming up, our group had to focus on finalizing our questions and sending them out. In our meeting with Mr. Mike, we strategized how and what percentage of each persona we had to focus on. Then we modified the questions to be relevant and easier to understand. Over the holiday, each member was tasked with finding platforms and artists to distribute the surveys.

Week 6:

This week we had the chance to finish all the final edits to our survey and send them out to the different artists we had found. My task was to find NFT-related pages on Facebook and Reddit; this would have allowed us to reach our target audience in a much larger number. However, due to the time limit and the holidays falling on that week, we could barely reach 40 respondents. Mr. Mike suggested as a last case scenario to send out the survey to our seniors as they did fit the artist's target audience.

Survey questions

Survey responses

Week 7:

1.4 Insights Discovery 

This week we focused on reaching at least 60 respondents, and then we had the task of analyzing the survey results and writing down the key analysis on the miro board. We had a team meeting to complete our insight discovery, using that information to categorize the most common concerns and how they want to collaborate with an agency. We decided that, as an agency, we should focus on education, artist-friendly, reasonable pricing, transparency, and personalization.

Week 8:

1.5 Problem Statment 

1.6 How might we

This week was the independent learning week, and we took the chance to catch up on our work and have meetings with Mr. Mike to confirm all our work and make sure we were on track. Using our insight discovery, we completed our problem statement and "How Might We" with Mr. Mike before getting the green light to work on the user journey map and art direction.

Week 9:

1.7 User Journey Map 

1.8 Moodboard

This week we had to work on our customer journey map and our art direction. The group was separated into two where one group worked on the customer journey map and the other worked on the art direction. For the journey Map, we did have to do some research regarding the social media touch points and the duration of the campaign.

Week 10:

1.9 Art direction 

2.0 Logo Ideation

This week was a bit hectic because we had a change of team leader, and as the new team leader, I had the responsibility of putting the team back on track. I had already worked with most of the members, so I had a good grasp of their design abilities and assigned them assignments that I knew they could manage. Our journey map was a little lacking, so we revised it with Mr. Mike's help to match the EAP group. After our art direction was accepted, the team started working on the content to present to the EAP group.

Week 11:

2.1 Social Media Content 

This week I was tasked with creating the Gantt Chart with all of our confirmed touchpoints from the Journey Map. We had the opportunity to present to the EAP group to explain what we were doing and show them the logo, art direction, and mascots. We also used this time to ask them a few questions about some of the content, and we established a deadline for the content submission because they also had to present to their classes. As we had to provide them with three weeks' worth of content, I divided the content into a weekly post, so we were to submit week 1 and 2 content to them by next week. I also took time to assign each member a task and ensure that work was progressing.

Week 12:

2.2 Instagram posts for weeks 1-2

We completed all the content for weeks 1 and 2 and turned it over to the EAP group. We also presented it to Mr. Mike, who suggested we try to make the Instagram post as short as possible, so I rewrote the wording for all posts and asked them to make the necessary changes. After that, I proceeded to assign work for the week three content and update the Gann Chart. Our video concept was inadequate and needed improvement.

Week 13:

2.3 Instagram post for week 3

2.4 Instagram reel

This week, Tzer Earn and Michelle did an amazing job finishing the short video, and we were able to submit it to the EAP group a day early. Then, after getting feedback from Mr. Mike, I worked with Meiling to fix our second video script. We amended the script to include our unique selling point, brand tagline, and our problem statement. Then I assigned Tze and Meiling to help create a storyboard.

Week 14:

2.5 Promotional Video 

This week we completed everything and got approval from Mr. Mike. We were able to finish creating our final video, which was done by Tze Earn, Michelle, and Meiling. The next step was to compile everything on the profession sheet and complete our presentation slides. We were advised to follow the seniors' presentation slides (Extrash) as an example.

Week 15:

2.6 Discord Mockup

When putting together our final presentation this week, I found we were missing a few touchpoints that were supposed to be provided by the EAP group; when I asked for them, they responded they never produced the work. So it was back to our group to produce everything. We had two days to produce a mockup for Discord and Twitter, a poster, and tokens. I promptly divided the task, and everyone pitched in to finish it before our Friday presentation.

2.7 Final Presentation 


Week 2:

  • it's an equal partnership that we could ask the business school questions

  • We could change the business direction 

  •  for example, will the business survive?

  • there is potential but they missed out on the niche targeting group

  • We could send them our questionnaire or discuss it with the business school before Friday if everyone agreed.

8.4.2022 (Friday)

  • Research why NFT marketing is needed for clients rather than companies 

  • Collect data on who the clients could be, look at NFT Portals, marketing research companies, and individual artists. 

Meeting with EAP students

  • EAP group has shown some of their visual thoughts on their company brand image

  •  Target audience: Business to Business (B2B)

  •  Unique Selling Point: Lack of active NFT Malaysia marketing agency

Consultation with Mr. Mike

  •  Data is needed to prove there's a huge need for NFT marketing services by the business owner

  •  Data in statistic form, not assumptions

  •  We should have data to prove why B2C has more demand than B2B to see if our statement is correct

  •  Direction to focus is on data collection to prove our statement, can look over NFT portals that host individual submissions, marketing research companies, successful individual artist

  1. Do secondary research on whether the business should target business-to-business or business-to-customer.

  2. Complete persona sheets

Week 5:

1. Questionaire
  • Occupation (whether it's enough, is it too diverse as the different types of occupation might expect different outcomes?)
  • If they haven't entered the NFT market, how to attract the artist in?
  • Where to send out our questionnaire? Portals // Artstation
  • Show the EAP group, the questionnaire we did, and see if they have anything to add in the third section
Our Concerns now
  • We will need to see how we take the EAP business strategy to create something like Forest and have a bit of uniqueness
  • See more portals like Forest to have references to help on our mood board

Week 6:

Work on completing the survey analysis, how might we statement and problem statement.

Week 7:

  1. Research on environmental Values

  2. Art Direction

Week 8:

Self-directed Learning Week

Week 9:

  1. Align Customer Journey Map with EAP’s marketing strategy.

  2. Decide the content need and timeline.

Week 10:

  • The user journey map is more or less confirmed with a few additional points to focus all effort on the awareness and decision stages.

  • Art direction is headed in the right direction. Need to produce a poster as the Key Visual. The colors and the logo rationale need to be stronger in rationale.

  • The website design is lacking in the required information and services that are mentioned in the User Journey Map. Advised to create the IA with the EAP group and get it confirmed and agreed on. Then proceed to create the flowchart before proceeding to the wireframe design.

  • The Touchpoint list is not ready, need to get it done ASAP as the Gantt Chart needs to be confirmed and used to project manage each member’s deadlines.

Week 11:

  • The Touchpoint and  the Gantt Chart are ready 

  • Website IA confirmed 

  • Key Visual Posters completed

    1. Logo finalization on colors

    2. Week 1-2 Awareness Socmed contents to EAP deadline

    3. Key Visuals

    4. Logo animation progression"

Week 12:

  1. The awareness and decision stages will need more effort in communicating and persuading the target audience to understand and act on the information. This could involve creating motion graphic videos to better explain the NFT and marketing needs.

  2. The website is good and just awaiting more information from the EAP side.

Week 13:

  • The website is completed and looks good.

  • The video needs to communicate and portray the same vibes as with the website. Shown sample video treatment and the 6 mascots with the graphic elements that need to be used for the video’s motion graphics. To review the storyboard next.

Week 14:

  1. The progress looks fine. There will be another video to be created soon.

  2. It is advised to consolidate the final presentation to the industry reviewer with the EAP partners.

  3. Shown the final video and the draft final presentation slides. Next, complete the slide before the 8 July final presentation.

Week 15:

  • The slides are almost done, just have to remove some slides to keep the presentation below 15min.

  • There are a few missing visuals that need to be developed, especially the ones that deal with the unique selling points of the agency.



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