28.3.2022 -  20.5.2022

Sajiya Mir (0340836)
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media



Week 1: 

This was our first week back on campus in almost two years, and it was both exciting and challenging to adjust to the new environment. We discussed our MIB in the first class, and Mr. Kannan gave us an overview of our projects. To characterize the projects that were to come, a variety of recognizable words were used, such as deconstructing and constructing basic shapes. This put my mind at ease because I was unsure what Digital Matte Painting was because it was a phrase I had never heard before. However, following the briefing, I learned that it is a term that is frequently used in the film and television industries and that we are all familiar with.

Week 2: 
1.0 Exercise: Perspective 

Week 3: 

1.1 Exercise: Sky Replacement 

Week 4: 

1.3 Exercise: Light and Value study 

Week 5: 

1.4  Invisible Set Extensions

1.5 Exercises: Fundamentals of Matte Painting 


Week 2: Try to put more depth into your shapes 

Week 3: Drawings 1-2 are fine, for the city it's a bit off in the perspective. The vanishing is coming off the grid and one is in the frame, pick the most visible one. 4-5 is okay just add in the hexagon shapes too. 

Week 5: The color is too washed, add more contrast and add a soft orange light. You can also add blue and multiply for the shadows. For drawing #2 the mountain shape is a bit off so look at that again. Number 3 add the details such as the sofa and the other assets, and look at the scale again. 


The DMP exercises included both new and old information. Reviewing what I had learned about vanishing points and perspectives in my foundation was useful. At the same time, we learned something new, such as the sky replacement, which I had never attempted before. These exercises were fundamentals that would help us with our assignment in the following weeks.


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